Friday, July 29, 2011

Krakow, Poland

The last day in Berlin was bittersweet, because we all didn't want to leave, but we knew we would be back in a few days to see Munich. Our last day of Berlin was rainy like usual, but nevertheless we got to see some exciting things. We started the day by going to see the portion of the Berlin wall in the east, where artists around the world painted murals of triumph and passion. It was beautiful to see the strong feelings of those who had experienced the wall first hand. Some of these artusts could have been trapped in the Soviet occupied side for more than 20 years, seperated from their friends and family. I loved Berlin so much because there is soo much history that makes its identity. Its gone through two World Wars, The Berlin Wall and Cold War, and recent reunification. It has changed so much, but all of its scars and bruises are still visible.
Later we visited the Olympic stadium where the 1936 Olympics were held and where the world cup took place in 2006. It was really cool to see where an actual Olympics took place. The 1936 Olympics was indeed hosted by Nazi Germany with Hitler at its head. Hitler was excited for this opportunity to prove that the Aryan race was superior to the rest of the world. It was a very beautiful thing that that year, Jesse Owens, a black man from the United States earned more gold metals than any other athelete.
After a very long overnight trainride, we finally arrived in Krakow. Today we will be be going to the concentration camp of Auschwitz which we will definitely blog about later. Tim, Daniel, and I are doing great. Its been a long journey!! Big hug! TheTresAmis

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful reading the blog and thank you for sharing. Ya,ll continue to be in our prayers for safe and joyful travels during this once in a lifetime opportunity, stay focused and have fun Tresamis! With love, The Landry Family

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